Saturday, November 23, 2013

18. Thank You, Mom

There is no feeling in the world stronger than a mother's love, and there is no job harder than being a mother. But no matter how hard it may be, it's extremely rewarding when you see your child succeed. Behind every athlete there is a hard-working, caring, and supportive mother. That's the core idea of P&G's Olympic campaign called "Thank You, Mom." Created by Weiden+Kennedy, it was designed to celebrate mothers' efforts and thank them for their care and hard work raising champions and just great kids.

This short film called Best Job was first presented during the 2012 Olympic Games in London as part of the campaign. It won the best primetime commercial Emmy award the same year for a good reason - it celebrates diversity, while emphasizing the universal human experience, a mother's love. I get emotional every time I watch it, but who doesn't? This means that Weiden+Kennedy did a great job.

Although it seems like it's just about Olympic athletes and their mothers, it's really about all of us. It's thanks to our moms we are who we are today. It's them who support us at anything we do and make our childhood dreams come true. We owe them a lot. Thank you, mom!
This film appeals to a larger audience, which makes it even more successful.

For the upcoming 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, P&G released a new film as part of the same campaign, which is also very heartwarming. Ads like these make me become more convinced that advertising is not just a means of selling something. It is a powerful tool used to inspire and make us believe that there is nothing impossible as long as we try.

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